9/9/20 Update: Parent Drop Off And Pick Up

MCMS Parent Drop off and Pick Up

Thank you everyone for your patience with the pick up and drop off procedures these past few days. We are working really hard to make it run more smoothly and be more time efficient.

Morning Parent Drop Off

Please continue to drop your child off in the lower parking lot. School starts at 8:25am. Students should not arrive on campus until 8am.

Afternoon Parent Pick Up: All Updates are in Red.


-       There will be a greeter at the entrance of the Lower Parking Lot who will ask you what kids you are picking up so we can have them ready to meet you at the pick up area.


-       There is a new Walker Pick Up Zone at the superintendent’s office on the Millard Harrison Drive. These students will be dismissed at 12:48PM. Students will be arriving at the superintendent’s parking lot, with a teacher-escort at 12:53pm.  Please email the front office (Phyllis_cote@maranacook.com) if you want your child to do this.


-       All other walkers are dismissed at 12:54PM

-       Students getting a ride home with a high school sibling will be dismissed at 12:55pm

-       Students with last names starting with the letters N-Z will have Parent Pick Up in the Lower Parking Lot from 12:52- 1:05PM.

-       Students with last names starting with the letters G-M will have Parent Pick Up in the Lower Parking Lot from 1:10-1:15PM.

-       Students with last names starting with the letters A-F will have Parent Pick Up in the UPPER Parking Lot from 1:15-1:25PM.


-       For students carpooling: they may be dismissed for parent pick up at the same time as the student they are getting a ride from.


*If your time slot does not work for you, please email me (if you have not done so already) at: Kristen_levesque@maranacook.com