Please click on this link for a message from Ella Stevens and the Outreach Committee about Make A Difference Week: Make a Difference Week Video
Make A Difference Week: We are extending Make A Difference Week until Friday, November 6th! This is a really important time for our community to help raise money and collect food for our local pantries. Please give where you can and support our community. You can donate in person by bringing nonperishable items into school or online.
Families/students can donate by:
§ A check made out to Mt. Vernon Food Bank or Maranacook Food Pantry
§ Online through The Maranacook Education Fund and/or the Good Shepard Food Bank.
§ By bringing a non-perishable food donation to MCHS. We will have donation boxes in the lobby.
Please consider doing any of these options to help support our community.