Maranacook Area Food Pantry Needs your Help!
For the past 17 months of the pandemic, we have worked to support an average of 20 families each week. We are supporting senior citizens, folks with no transportation and families of our students. Our funds are dwindling rapidly and we need your help in order to continue this service.
If you are able to contribute funds, please do one of the following:
Go on-line to the Maranacook Education Foundation website at: and make a contribution there.
Make out a check made out to RSU#38, with food pantry in the notation area and mail it to: RSU #38 Central Office, 45 Millard Harrison Dr. Readfield ME. 04355
If you are able to donate food, please do one of the following:
Drop off donations during school hours inside the front doors of the Middle School at:
2100 Millard Harrison Dr.
Email Mary Ellen Tracy at to arrange a time to drop off food.
Come by the pantry on a Thursday afternoon between 3:30 - 4:30pm.
We appreciate any support you can offer,
Mary Ellen