Rory Delano: Rory is on the Acadia Team.Mrs. Corrigan says, “Rory is a quiet student who is not shy to ask questions. She is a caring, compassionate friend and is always willing to go the extra mile for her friends.” Mrs. Gyorgy says, “Rory is creative. She uses her gift as an artist to put a unique spin on class assignments. It is always fun to see what Rory will do creatively, either on her own, just for fun or in her classwork.” Mrs. Roesner says, “Rory is a gentle soul who cares about everyone around her. Her smile brightens a room!”
Christian Dunlap: Christian is on the Royal Team. Christian was on the ski team all three years at MCMS. He also volunteers to coach ice skating to beginners at the Skating Association of Maine in Hallowell. Mrs. Barley says, “Christian is a very responsible, talented, kind, respectful young man. He always brings his A game to class. He is ready and prepared for any task he faces at the moment. Mrs. Tracy says, “Christian is a great young man who cares deeply about producing quality work in everything that he does. He has grown a ton as a student and is well liked by his peers. In middle school, Christian branched out to include sports in his favorite activities. He has a great smile and enjoys a good joke!“ Good luck in high school!
Takota Lemelin: Takota is a member of the Katahdin Team. Mrs. Holland writes, “Takota has a great smile. He is a good sport.” Mrs. Davis writes, “Takota loves to have fun and always has a go with the flow attitude.” Mrs. Jewett says, “Takota is a good friend, and a caring soul. His quiet respect is admirable. I'll miss him!” We will miss you next year! Enjoy your high school experience!
Mavia Lenane: Mavia is on the Acadia Team. Mrs. Magnusson says, "Mavia was a great student for me. She always worked hard, was willing to attempt any activity and give her best effort. She is extremely fast and challenges other students to work hard. She was a ""follow by example"" leader in my classroom where she always did what was right. She was a great addition to that class and I will miss not having her next year. " Mrs. Roesner says, “Mavia is a writer at heart and can capture emotions with a way that moves a reader. She has a strong moral compass and can be trusted to make the best choices led by her values.” Good luck, Mavia!